About Project Resource

About Project Resource


NEW! Online Psychosis Summit is South Bay Project Resource’s 2017 initiative aimed towards strategically raising awareness on treatment methodologies, and support approaches, for helping peers dealing with psychosis and their families. Please click on the image that will redirect you to the Website.

South Bay Project Resource represents a partnership between family members, peers, clinicians and other stakeholders in the South Bay with a commitment to improving psychosis-related supports, working for social change, and increasing public awareness of the diversity of approaches to distressing experiences and disability.

Project Resource draws its inspiration from a range of national and international psychosis-related projects and approaches, including family systems theory, the international hearing voices movement, intentional peer support, trauma-informed care, and mindfulness and compassion-based intervention.  Based in one of the most ethnically diverse parts of the United States, we also emphasize fundamental connections between culture, distress and healing.

SBPR are not anti-psychiatry or anti-medications. Medications can be tremendously helpful to particular individuals and our emphasis is always on individual self-determination.  Our goal is sharing and bringing the latest updates on treatments and approaches.  We welcome all modalities and we are interested in what works for each individual.

We have many programs in planning and need volunteers and help. If you are interested, please contact us.